You have a friend over for a bit of a chat and is time to offer a cup of tea, you look at the mug and get all embarrassed, the mug is so yellow inside. How can you offer tea with a mug like that? 

Well, it only takes a couple of minutes to fix the problem, more or less the same time as boiling the kettle and your friend will never know about it.

All you need is Domestos, it as easy as that.

1 Pour a bit of Domestos or any other bleach ( I use bleach because it has a nice smell and is very good) into it the mug.

2 Rotate the bleach inside the mug.

As you see, as you rotate the Domestos inside the mug, like by miracle, all the yellow stain is gone.  Once again the mug is white.

3 Rinse the mug, very well with water.

The kettle has hot water and you have a clean mug.

Save time

Next time you clean your mug with bleach save time by putting inside your mug the kitchen cloth and the kitchen brush.

Let it soak everything for 15 minutes.

And voila, you end up with 3  clean things, - the mug, brush, cloth and all germs free, all the same time.

With the rest of the Bleach I use it to wash the floors or clean the toilet (no waste).