I found this the other day, and could not throw it away. Old houses have old drain holes and sometimes it is very difficult to find the right drain plug size to fit into it.

STEP 1 - PLEASE do wear gloves . Pour a bit of bleach to both sides of the plug and let it soak.

STEP 2 - I give a bit of the scrub to see if the black mold did fade it a bit, as it did, I carry on.

NOTE - I do not know at yours but at my house, we always have a few cups that now and then need a bit of bleaching in order to remove the tea/coffee marks

STEP 3 - Into one of those cups I put a fair amount of bleach, put the rubber drain cover inside and let it soak for a couple of hours.

SETP 4 - I went back every so often and check how things were going. Once I was happy that the stains were gone, I give a good scrub with a brush to remove the more persistent black mold stains.

FYI DO NOT throw away the bleach, use it to clean the kitchen cloths or even better remove some tea marks from the teacups or teapots.

You could think, well I did not save a lot of money but think how much time I save looking for a new one to fit my very old bathroom sink.

If you ever find one so dirty as this one, do not throw it away, it can be cleaned and is one less thing going to the landfills.