In kitchens ….. are always things to clean and sort it out.

It does not matter how much we clean, from the oven, the fridge, to dishwasher is a never-ending of things to do. So if we can find a quick way to clean something, is a happy day.

These days I change the top of my kitchen cupboards in a flick of an eye (I do not have many things on top of the cupboard, they tend to collect grease like mad)


- Plenty of newspapers or magazines - - Plenty of clean cloths - Flash with bleach ( DO NOT EVER mix them together yourself, it can be very bad for your breeding). FYI - Most of the time, I use white vinegar and fairy liquid but this time the top of the cupboards were in a bit of a state.

STEP 1 - Collect as many newspapers as you think you are going to need. (This is one good way to recycle the papers. No need to go and buy any kind of paper )

STEP 2 - Remove everything from the top of a cupboard (NOTE - DO only one cupboard at a time. That way you will not fill so much overwhelmed with the project ahead or even better, you could do one cupboard each day). NOTE: Wash everything you took out from the top of the cupboard, by doing that, they will be ready to go back to their own place once the cupboard has been cleaned.

SETP 3 - By spraying a few drops of Flash into a humid (never wet ) cloth, give a good wipe to the top of the cupboard. Rinse it with another humid (never wet) clean cloth and dry it. ( You will know when it is clean when you touch the top of it and you do not fill that is tacky anymore. If it fills tacky do step 3 again)

STEP 4 - Clean the top of the doors (they collect also a lot of grease)

STEP 4 - Collect 5 to 6 sheets of paper and cover the top of the cupboard with them. (I like to tuck them in at the back, by using a handle of a fork or spoon)

STEP 5 - Put all the things back

STEP 6 - Every 3 months depending on how much cooking you do, (some houses I only change twice a year ) remove the first layer gently,( it will have a bit of dust on top) and like magic…. you have a clean one underneath and there is no need to clean the top of the cupboard.

The only clean you have to do is the top of the door, but if you incorporated the top of the door and the cleaning of the things on top as part of your weekly clean, not even that, will need to be cleaned.

FYI - If you want to know how do I keep the basso pots so clean follow this link -- https://www.helpourhome.net/home-89/2017/10/12/keep-your-copper-ornaments-shinning